Travelife partner

Travelife partner

Committed to sustainability

We are proud to announce that OMNIVIA has successfully renewed its Travelife Partner certification until June 2022.  During the stage two of the implementation of the Travelife Sustainability System, OMNIVIA underwent an audit of all segments of its corporate social responsibility which include energy efficiency and conservation, water and waste management, greenhouse gas emissions, labour practices, human rights,  community relations, ecosystem conservation, cultural impacts, health and safety, fair business practices, management of suppliers and customer protection.

“Never before has the focus of both travel agencies and the entire tourism industry been so focused on sustainable business. Since the introduction of the Travelife Partner certificate in 2015 and ISO quality management system the year before, we have shown that OMNIVIA has closely followed the trends in the tourism market that were only beginning to emerge. Today, five years later, we can proudly say that we have successfully completed the re-certification process and are continuing with our development by advocating for the importance of responsible behaviour and sustainable business activities in tourism by preserving and improving the resources we use for future generations.

Although the re-certification process has inspired us to undertake additional actions in terms of socially responsible business management, we are aware that the sustainability in our business activities was not introduced with the certification itself but with the Travelife Partner certificate which has confirmed  what we really are from the very beginning – a socially responsible destination management company.

The Travelife Partner certificate provides to the agency an international recognition in the market, security for clients when choosing travel service providers, standardisation of business processes and monitoring, while giving the management and employees a sense of positive contribution to the development of the destination in which they live and work”, says Dunja Kadric, the Head of the Tourist Agency OMNIVIA.

By awarding its certificate to OMNIVIA, Travelife, as a leading training, management and certification initiative for tourism companies committed to reaching sustainability, has confirmed that OMNIVIA approaches the development of Croatian tourism in a serious and responsible manner.