The Bread Project

The Bread Project

Traditional bread under the lid representing Croatia

The Bread Project was initiated by two Dutch photographers and writers Mirjam Letsch and Hans de Clercq who are collaborating on an International Artisan Bakers book, an initiative of Johan Pater, the fourth generation baker himself, who wanted to tell a story about the traditional bread baking process and skills many of which are becoming a lost art.  The quest for inspiring visual stories about flour, bakeries and grandmothers with old recipes has taken Mirjam and Hans on a trip around the world. Morocco, Poland, Portugal, Germany, India, Iceland, Iran, Uganda, Moldova and Croatia are just some of the countries they have visited so far.

At the invitation of the project manager, we have presented the recipe for our bread under the lid which has not changed over the centuries.  It is made of only four ingredients that skilful hands and a proper peka turn into a warm wheel of mouthwatering aroma, crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. We are proud that our timeless and special bread under the lid was included in this vivid project and that it is recognised as our cultural heritage at the international level.

If you wish to learn the traditional way of preparing the bread under the lid, take a look at our offer for guided one-day or multi-day culinary workshops in our restaurant where we have been preparing it for over two decades.

Photo by The Bread project

Follow the Bread Project on Instagram and Facebook and under the hashtag #breadprojectworldwide

Photos by The Bread project